Paying for public transport tickets with a credit card It is easy to pay for public transport tickets with a credit card. There is a box you can tick to save your payment details for future purchases. This authorises us to charge your credit card for future trips. Each time you book a trip, you select the credit card you want to use. The cost of the trip is then automatically charged to your card. From then on, you no longer need to use your credit card or banking app. If you choose not to save your payment details for future purchases, you can simply enter your credit card details or use your banking app each time. It’s up to you. Paying for shared transport with a credit card You pay for shared transport booked through glimble with a credit card at the end of your ride. It’s very easy. You enter your credit card details. You are then redirected to your bank where you pay a one-off fee of € 0.01. This authorises glimble to collect payment from your card. Each time you book a trip, you select the credit card you want to use. The cost of the trip is then automatically charged to your card. From then on, you no longer need to use your credit card or banking app for each trip. The cost of your trip We calculate the cost of your trip at the end of your ride.
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